Need to know more about AD-X?

We answer some of the more Frequently Asked Questions.
What is AD-X?
AD-X is a revolutionary new piece of technology that allows you to track and monitor your application promotional activity. The technology will also report on actions that occur within your app which you can then attribute to your media spend. AD-X saves you money as you can for the first time understand which media source delivers you the best users.
How does it work?
The AD-X SDK is inserted into your app. You no longer need multiple versions from multiple media owners. You then create your own unique URL’s within the AD-X system which allows you to track as many media sources and resulting downloads as you wish. You also decide which in-app actions you would like to monitor e.g sales, sign-up’s or deposits.
Why should I use AD-X?
AD-X will show you data about your media spend and app users not previously available to you. AD-X also simplifies your reporting by having everything you need in one easy to use interface. AD-X works globally and will generate reports and charts for you saving you time and money.
How do I get started?
Contact one of our account managers today and we will take you through the process. It is straight forward.
What will AD-X tell me?
AD-X will report on clicks, downloads and any in-app usage information designated by you. Crucially you can also promote your app from social media, search and mobile internet sites - vastly increasing your reach.
Which platforms does AD-X support?
AD-X currently supports iOS and Android. We will have Blackberry and Windows Phone 7 coming soon.